Evaluation framework of energy and fuel supply chains: a methodological approach

Christiana Papapostolou*, Wolf-Gerrit Fruh, Emilia Kondili, Ioannis K. Kaldellis

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Owing that to the emerging complexities of the contemporary climate mandates and energy supply options, many conventional energy and fuel Supply Chains (SCs) have being re-designed and reassessed under that perspective, seeking to evaluate the multiple uncertainties and parameters deriving from the multi-criteria, multi-parameters, at multi-levels of decision(s) in a multi-stakeholders' interactive environment. However, although energy SCs is the study objective of many researchers, association of technological issues with economic, social and environmental impacts has not been yet achieved.

In this context, new operational research tools such as modelling and optimisation, have recently being applied in alternative energy SCs as those of biofuels, biomass, hydrogen and natural gas, assigning a performance measure in terms of energy consumption, technological efficiency, economic profitability and/or environmental evaluation, at each stage or in the integrated SC.

Acknowledging that, the aim of the present research is to set the fundamentals for the context of combing these aspects by introducing a methodological framework for the evaluation of alternative energy and fuel SCs. To that end in the present paper the generic representation of energy and fuel SCs will be cited as well as some quantitative data concerning the parameters and particularities of energy and fuel SCs, underlining the innovative element of this research work which is mainly related to the integration of various aspects both of qualitative and quantitative nature. In its conclusions, the present work will evidence the need for an integrated evaluation framework for multiple and conflicting energy supply chain options under a multi- acting environment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3161-3168
Number of pages8
JournalFresenius Environmental Bulletin
Issue number12A
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event17th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region - Istanbul, Turkey
Duration: 28 Sept 20131 Oct 2013


  • Energy supply chains
  • qualitative and quantitative evaluation
  • evaluation framework
  • energy modelling


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