Enhancing the out-of-plane behaviour of masonry infill walls using engineered cementitious composites

Saeed Pourfalah Bazkiani, Benny Suryanto, Demetrios M Cotsovos

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


A novel technique for retrofitting masonry infill walls is proposed. The technique looks at the use of a thin layer of an engineered cementitious composite to improve the out-of-plane response of infill masonry walls. To demonstrate the proposed technique, fifteen plain and retrofitted masonry beam-like specimens were tested under four-point loading to failure. The influence of two parameters was examined, namely loading rate and bond interface. The results demonstrate that the use of a thin ECC layer significantly improved the strength and ductility of the test specimens. The specimens with an ECC layer that was partially bonded to the masonry exhibited higher ductility than those in which the ECC
layer was fully bonded, albeit they also demonstrated a slightly lower load-carrying capacity. It was found that the increase in ductility was primarily due to the formation of more uniformly spaced microcracks. The results also demonstrate that as the rate of loading increased, the load-carrying capacity
increased, whereas the ductility decreased. Three-dimensional nonlinear finite element simulations were carried out to study the underlying mechanisms responsible for the observed flexural response.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the First International Conference on Structural Safety under Fire and Blast
EditorsAsif Usmani, Yong Lu, Purnendu Das
PublisherASRANet Ltd
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-9930121-2-9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2015
Event1st International Conference on Structural Safety under Fire and Blast 2015 - Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 2 Sept 20154 Sept 2015


Conference1st International Conference on Structural Safety under Fire and Blast 2015
Abbreviated titleCONFAB 2015
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • masonry
  • walls
  • engineered cementitious composite
  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA)


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