Efficient multi-scale Multi-physics Modelling of Leakage Processes to Plan Monitoring Strategies

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


An important difference between monitoring for hydrocarbon production and gas storage operations is the concern of leakage and its detection. The primary leakage pathways are legacy wells and damage zones around faults whose locations and existence are not necessarily known a priori. Further these leakage pathways are not static risks but can be activated during operations. When leakage occurs the quantities are (hopefully) small and detection is at or below of monitoring techniques. Uncertainties can be reduced or at least quantified with the help simulation and with their help optimal monitoring strategies can be devised. The larger the uncertainty the more simulations are required. Hence there is a need for efficient models representing the dominant features and processes. In this presentation I will cover three approaches: Multi-physics coupled flow diagnostics, multi-scale multi-physics modelling of leakage processes in the damage zone of faults and leakage modelling in vertically integrated modelling for CO2 storage.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21 Nov 2022
Event1st EAGE/SBGf Workshop on Reservoir Monitoring and its Role in the Energy Transition 2022 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Duration: 21 Nov 202222 Nov 2022


Conference1st EAGE/SBGf Workshop on Reservoir Monitoring and its Role in the Energy Transition 2022
CityRio de Janeiro


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