Efficient modelling of turbulence-radiation interaction in subsonic hydrogen jet flames

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10 Citations (Scopus)


A model for simulating the radiation fields surrounding turbulent hydrogen jet flames is presented. Similar to previous studies TRI is modelled using a stochastic methodology. The present investigation differs from previous studies in a number of aspects. A beta PDF is used to generate the cumulative probability density function rather than a clipped Gaussian PDF. A number of efficient numerical algorithms are implemented to reduce the run-time of the model to approximately 1/10th of the time required using accepted numerical methods widely promoted in the literature. This has enabled the model including TRI to be validated using measured heat fluxes.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)85-114
Number of pages30
JournalNumerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals: International Journal of Computation and Methodology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • hydrogen jet fire
  • turbulence-radiation interaction
  • stochastic simulation
  • Sobol sequences
  • hot sampling


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