Dispersion tuning of nonlinear dynamics in gas-filled capillary fibres

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We present experimental results on tuning the zero-dispersion wavelength at the pump wavelength in gas-filled capillary fibre, which has dramatic effect on the observed nonlinear dynamics. We pump an argon-filled hollow capillary fibre, with inner diameter of 250 µm and a length of 3 m with 10 fs pulses at 800 nm. By changing the gas pressure, it is possible to tune the zero-dispersion wavelength compared to the pump wavelength so that different nonlinear regimes are accessed. For anomalous pump dispersion typical soliton and soliton-plasma dynamics are observed, such as self-compression, dispersive-wave emission, soliton blue-shifting and ionization-induced pulse splitting. Normal pump dispersion leads to the generation of supercontinua over 3 octaves broad and emission of dispersive-waves in high-order modes.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUltrafast Optics 2019
Publication statusPublished - 6 Oct 2019


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