Direct patterning of mammalian cells in an ultrasonic heptagon stencil

A. L. Bernassau*, F. Gesellchen, P. G. A. MacPherson, M. Riehle, D. R. S. Cumming

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We describe the construction of a ultrasonic device suitable for micro patterning particles and cells for tissue engineering applications. The device is formed by seven transducers shaped into a heptagon cavity. By exciting two and three transducers simultaneously, lines or hexagonal shapes can be formed with beads and cells. Furthermore, phase control of the transducers allows shifting the standing waves and thus patterning at different positions on a surface in a controlled manner. The paper discusses direct patterning of mammalian cells by ultrasound "stencil".

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)559-564
Number of pages6
JournalBiomedical Microdevices
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2012


  • Ultrasound stencil microsystem
  • Acoustic standing waves
  • Patterning cells
  • Sonotweezers


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