Development of an Age-corrected Normative Database for Saccadic Vector Optokinetic Perimetry (SVOP)

Andrew J. Tatham, Pam McClean, Ian C. Murray, Alice D. McTrusty, Lorraine A. Cameron, Antonios Perperidis, Harry M. Brash, Brian W. Fleck, Robert A. Minns

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


PRECIS: Normal age-corrected threshold sensitivity values were determined for a new eye tracking perimeter and compared with standard automated perimetry (SAP).

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine threshold visual field sensitivities in normal subjects performing saccadic vector optokinetic perimetry (SVOP), a new eye tracking perimeter.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 113 healthy participants performed SVOP and SAP in both eyes with the order of testing randomized. The relationship between SAP and SVOP sensitivity was examined using Bland-Altman plots and 95% limits of agreement. The relationship between sensitivity and age was examined by pointwise linear regression and age-corrected normal threshold sensitivities were calculated.

RESULTS: After excluding unreliable tests, 97 participants with a mean age of 65.9±10.1 years were included. Average SAP mean deviation was -0.87±1.56 dB, SAP sensitivity was 29.20±1.68 dB and SVOP sensitivity was 32.18±1.96 dB. SVOP had a longer test duration (431±110 compared with 307±42 seconds for SAP, P<0.001). On average, the mean sensitivity obtained using SVOP was 2.98 dB higher than average SAP sensitivity, with 95% limits of agreement of -0.11 to 6.15 dB. For each decade older, SAP sensitivity decreased by 0.93 dB (95% confidence interval: 1.21 to 0.64) and SVOP sensitivity decreased by 1.15 dB (95% confidence interval: 1.47 to 0.84).

CONCLUSIONS: The results provide age-corrected normative values for threshold sensitivities from SVOP. Overall, SVOP provided a similar shaped hill of vision as SAP however threshold sensitivities were higher, meaning results are not interchangeable.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1106-1114
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Glaucoma
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ophthalmology


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