Developing supplier design capability through the use of Guest Engineers

David Twigg

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    This paper presents preliminary findings of the first detailed examination of Guest (Resident) Engineers in the UK automotive industry. It is based on on-going research into supplier involvement in automotive product development by the author. Supplier engineers participate in a variety of roles with vehicle manufacturers, at different phases of the product development process. Four provisional types of Guest Engineer have been identified from in-depth interviews with vehicle manufacturers and suppliers. The categories discussed in this paper should enable the industry to utilise better the design capabilities available from specific suppliers, and develop appropriate mechanisms for promoting supplier participation in product development activities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGlobalisation of the automotive industry : product, manufacture and sourcing
    Subtitle of host publicationHuman factors with lean/agile manufacturing in the automotive industries
    EditorsDieter Roller
    Place of PublicationCroydon
    PublisherAutomotive Automation Ltd.
    Number of pages8
    ISBN (Print)0947719954
    Publication statusPublished - 1997
    Event30th International Symposium for Automotive Technology and Automation 1997 - Florence, Italy
    Duration: 16 Jun 199719 Jun 1997
    Conference number: 30th


    Conference30th International Symposium for Automotive Technology and Automation 1997


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