Developing skills via work placements in accounting: Student and employer views

Catriona Paisey, Nicholas J. Paisey

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    75 Citations (Scopus)


    This paper evaluates the development of skills during a work placement year within a Scottish accounting degree. It discusses the history of placements within higher education, the advantages and disadvantages of placements from student and employer perspectives, and work placement as a vehicle for developing personal transferable skills. Students and employers involved in work placements agreed that they were effective in developing a range of skills. Their views were then compared with those of students at a similar university without a placement degree. Degrees including a work placement were found to be a useful complement to more traditionally structured degrees. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)89-108
    Number of pages20
    JournalAccounting Forum
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2010


    • Employers
    • Personal transferable skills
    • Placement
    • Students


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