Detection of Pressure and Heat in a Compressive Orthotic for Diabetes Prevention Using Nanotechnology

Anqi Mao, Adnan Zahid, Masoor Ur-Rehman, Muhammad Ali Imran, Qammer H. Abbasi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

1 Citation (Scopus)


This paper presents a wearable system to detect the pressure and heat in a compressive orthotic and trigger an alarm when the values are beyond the standard margin of safety. In this way, the foot ulcers on diabetes' patients could be controlled and prevented. Arduino Nano is used as a microcontroller, two force sensors FSR402 and four temperature sensors LM35DZ are controlled by the microcontroller to detect the pressure and heat at different positions inside the compressive orthotic. Accuracy of the temperature sensor is ±0.25 °C. A pair of Bluetooth HC-06 is used to send data to computer. The threshold value of pressure and temperature difference is 3.38 N and 2.2 °C respectively. An alarm and warning LED will be triggered on the user interface based on LabVIEW. All the components are set on a printed circuit board and all the sensors are fixed on the inside of compressive orthotic as a wearable device.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2018 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM)
ISBN (Electronic)9781538667200
Publication statusPublished - 23 Sept 2019
Event7th IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference 2018 - Penang, Malaysia
Duration: 17 Dec 201819 Dec 2018


Conference7th IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference 2018


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