Design and function of novel superplasticizers for more durable high performance concrete (superplast project)

Yves F. Houst, Paul Bowen, François Perche, Annika Kauppi, Pascal Borget, Laurent Galmiche, J. F. Le Meins, Françoise Lafuma, Robert J. Flatt, Irene Schober, P. F G Banfill, David S. Swift, Bernt O. Myrvold, Berit G. Petersen, Kåre Reknes

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    233 Citations (Scopus)


    In this article we shall describe our quest and ultimate success in furthering our understanding of the action of superplasticizers on the rheology of cement and concrete. By specifically producing superplasticizers with varied architectures, we have been able to show the important structural features of the macromolecules that lead to a successful superplasticizer or water reducing agent. Both polycarboxylate and lignosulfonate polymers have been investigated. Using both non-reactive model MgO powders, three different types of cement blends, the adsorption behaviour and the effect on the rheological properties of these two important superplasticizer families have been used to further develop a conceptual model for superplasticizer - cement behaviour. This paper will deal mainly with the conceptual model, the materials and methods used to asses the polymer adsorption behaviour and rheological properties of the systems studied. We shall briefly describe the adsorption of the polymers onto the different surfaces and their influence on surface charge and rheology and the influence of the various ionic species found in cement pore solutions that may influence polymer-cement affinity. The key factors are shown to be the effective adsorbed polymer thickness and the induced surface charge which can be influenced by the polymer architecture, the pore solution composition and the initial particle surface charge. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1197-1209
    Number of pages13
    JournalCement and Concrete Research
    Issue number10
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2008


    • Admixture (D)
    • Adsorption (C)
    • Dispersion (A)
    • Rheology (A)
    • Superplasticizer


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