Derivation and analysis of a dynamic model of a robotic manipulator on a moving base

Cyprian Wronka, Mathew Walter Dunnigan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Citations (Scopus)


A dynamic model of a robotic manipulator mounted on a moving base is derived using the Euler–Lagrange approach. It is assumed that the base inertia is large enough not to be influenced by the manipulator motion and therefore can be treated as a time-varying parameter in the dynamic equations. The presented
derivation is applied to a Mitsubishi PA10-6CE robotic manipulator mounted on a 2-DOF platform. The model is analysed by comparing simple closed-loop control results of the simulated model with experimental data from the manipulator mounted on the platform.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)758-769
Number of pages12
JournalRobotics and Autonomous Systems
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2011


  • Robotic manipulator
  • Moving base
  • Dynamic model derivation
  • Dynamic model terms incorporation


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