Dementia in the workplace case study research: understanding the experiences of individuals, colleagues and managers

Louise Ritchie, Debbie Tolson, Mike Danson

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This article reports case study research which addresses the gap in knowledge about dementia in the workplace. Receiving a diagnosis of dementia whilst still in employment may have negative consequences for a person's identity, further compounded by loss of employment. This study is the first to explore the employment-related experiences of people with dementia and their employers to determine the potential for continued employment post-diagnosis. Sixteen case studies centred on a person with dementia who was still in employment or had left in the previous 18 months. Each involved interviews with the person with dementia, a family member and a workplace representative. This triangulation of the data promoted rigour, allowing the experiences to be viewed through a variety of lenses to build a clear picture of each situation. Thematic analysis was carried out and three themes were developed: (a) dementia as experienced in the workplace; (b) work keeps me well; and (c) wider impact of dementia in the workplace. These findings have the potential to initiate changes to policy and practice related to supporting employees with dementia. The implications of this research are multifaceted and need to be considered in terms of the individuals’ wellbeing, organisational support, as well as the wider theoretical, economic and societal consequences of supporting an employee with dementia.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-30
Number of pages30
JournalAgeing and Society
Early online date29 Jun 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 29 Jun 2017


  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Workplace
  • Employment
  • Case study


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