Defective trap identification using the DYTEQTA System: Practical considerations for residential installations

Michael Gormley, David Kelly, Steven White, Charles Hartley

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The identification of water trap seal defects and vulnerabilities using the sonar-likecapabilities of the DYTEQTA system has been shown to be both theoretically andpractically robust. Since its inception, investigations have focussed on the ability toidentify defects in water trap seals on sanitary fixtures in commercial and healthcarerelated buildings. Of considerable interest is the proliferation of a testing strategy in allbuilding types, domestic included, particularly in large housing blocks where thepotential for cross contamination due to defects is significant, due to high populationdensities. While multi-storey housing blocks may appear on the surface to be lesscomplex than large campus style designs in healthcare buildings, research findingsduring the ‘proof of concept’ phase highlighted that this may not always be the case.The ratio of pipe diameters at system junctions plays a significant role in the sonar airpressure wave propagation dynamics, making the study of this installation type morechallenging than first impressions suggest. A case study housing block is used tohighlight some of the complexities involved in what appears to be a relatively simpledesign. An analysis of the transmission and reflection coefficient equations at junctionsleads to conclusions on design decisions which need to be made at an early stage whichwould benefit from input from detection system engineers in order to ensure that thatthe drainage system is ‘DYTEQTA ready’, a situation which may not be optimized ifconventional design methods are employed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of CIB W062 38th International Symposium on Water Supply and Drainage For Buildings
Subtitle of host publication27th-30th August 2012 Edinburgh, Scotland
EditorsK. De Cuyper, L. B. Jack
PublisherCIB: International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 27 Aug 2012
Event38th International Symposium CIB W062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings 2012 - Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Duration: 27 Aug 201230 Aug 2012


Conference38th International Symposium CIB W062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings 2012
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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