D-branes and the non-commutative structure of quantum space time

Nick E. Mavromatos, R. J. Szabo

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A worldsheet approach to the study of non-abelian D-particle dynamics is presented based on viewing matrix-valued D-brane coordinate fields as coupling constants of a deformed σ-model which defines a logarithmic conformal field theory. The short-distance structure of spacetime is shown to be naturally captured by the Zamolodchikov metric on the corresponding moduli space which encodes the geometry of the string interactions between D-particles. Spacetime quantization is induced directly by the string genus expansion and leads to new forms of uncertainty relations which imply that general relativity at very short-distance scales is intrinsically described by a non-commutative geometry. The indeterminancies exhibit decoherence effects suggesting the natural incorporation of quantum gravity by short-distance D-particle probes. Some potential experimental tests are briefly described.
Original languageEnglish
Article number0066
JournalProceedings of Science
Publication statusPublished - 27 Dec 1999
EventCorfu Summer Institute on Elementary Particle Physics 1998 - Kerkyra, Greece
Duration: 6 Sept 199820 Sept 1998

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