Coupling Submarine Slope Stability and Wellbore Stability Analysis with Natural Gas Hydrate Drilling and Production in Submarine Slope Strata in the South China Sea

Yufa He, Benjian Song*, Qingping Li

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This research explores the geomechanical challenges associated with gas hydrate extraction in submarine slope zones, a setting posing a high risk of significant geological calamities. We investigate slope and wellbore deformations driven by hydrate decomposition within a subsea environment. Utilizing Abaqus, a fluid-solid-thermal multi-field coupling model for gas hydrate reservoirs was created. Hydrate decomposition during drilling is minimal, resulting in minor formation deformation near the wellbore. However, a year of hydrate production caused a maximum displacement of up to 7 m in the wellbore and formation, highlighting the risk of submarine landslides. This indicates the need for meticulous surveillance of formation subsidence and wellhead equipment displacement. In the aftermath of a hydrate-induced submarine landslide, both the hydrate layer and the overlying strata descend together, inflicting considerable damage on the formation and wellbore. Our study presents a holistic examination of the interplay between environmental geomechanics risks and engineering structure risks for submarine slope instability and wellbore stability during hydrate development, providing crucial insights for enhancing safety measures in hydrate drilling and production, and ensuring wellbore stability.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2069
JournalJournal of Marine Science and Engineering
Issue number11
Early online date30 Oct 2023
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2023


  • geomechanics hazard
  • natural gas hydrates
  • submarine landslides
  • wellbore stability

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Water Science and Technology
  • Ocean Engineering


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