Contact printing of on-axis computer-generated hologram on silver halide emulsion

Hiroyuki Ichikawa, Mohammad R. Taghizadeh, Jari Turunen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The authors have shown that the phase profile of a binary image recorded on the silver halide emulsion is flat in each hologram cell despite an uneven surface-relief profile. It is therefore possible to copy high quality computer-generated holograms (CGH's) on this material, contrary to the common belief that the silver halide emulsion is unsuitable for high precision applications in computer holography.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)50-51
Number of pages2
JournalIEE Conference Publication
Issue number342
Publication statusPublished - 1991
Event3rd International Conference on Holographic Systems, Components and Applications - Edinburgh, Scotl
Duration: 16 Sept 199118 Sept 1991


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