Competing for success: Dynamic capability at Admiral plc

K Buell-Armstrong, Robert MacIntosh, Donald MacLean

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    This paper advances the study of dynamic capabilities by examining a longitudinal case study of a firm bearing the hallmarks of high performance and innovation, often attributable to dynamic capability. Using a FTSE-100 company in the UK we ask, has dynamic capability contributed to the firm’s its success and, if so, to what extent does that capability evolve over time? The UK car insurance market is regarded as a near-perfect market and the case demonstrates how Admiral has consistently out-performed its UK competitors. Using data from the launch of the firm as a start-up in 1993 through to its current MNE status we present evidence of dynamic capability in operation but in so doing ask whether dynamic capability is in fact a superfluous explanatory framework.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2014


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