Comment on 'A scattering quantum circuit for measuring Bell's time inequality: a nuclear magnetic resonance demonstration using maximally mixed states'

G. C. Knee*, E. M. Gauger, G. A. D. Briggs, S. C. Benjamin

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A recent paper by Souza, Oliveira and Sarthour (SOS) reports the experimental violation of a Leggett-Garg (LG) inequality (sometimes referred to as a temporal Bell inequality). The inequality tests for quantum mechanical superposition: if the inequality is violated, the dynamics cannot be explained by a large class of classical theories under the heading of macrorealism. Experimental tests of the LG inequality are beset by the difficulty of carrying out the necessary so-called 'non-invasive' measurements (which for the macrorealist will extract information from a system of interest without disturbing it). SOS argue that they nevertheless achieve this difficult goal by putting the system in a maximally mixed state. The system then allegedly undergoes no perturbation during their experiment. Unfortunately, the method is ultimately unconvincing to a skeptical macrorealist and so the conclusions drawn by SOS are unjustified.

Original languageEnglish
Article number058001
Number of pages6
JournalNew Journal of Physics
Publication statusPublished - 9 May 2012


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