Codifying and commodifying nature: Narratives on forest property rights and the implementation of tenure regularization policies in Northwestern Argentina

Carla Inguaggiato*, Michele Graziano Ceddia, Maurice Tschopp, Dimitris Christopoulos

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Environmental resource management requires negotiation among state and non-state actors with conflicting goals and different levels of influence. In northwestern Argentina, forest policy implementation is described as weak, due to governance structure and ambiguities in the law. We studied how policy actors’ attitudes and their positions in the forest governance network relate to the implementation of land tenure regularization in a context where land tenure regularization is at the core of struggles over environmental policies. We focused on the Chaco Salteño part of the Gran Chaco ecosystem, one of the world’s major deforestation frontiers. We argue that the presence of weak advocacy coalitions requires an analysis of agency to understand this policy process. Our policy network analysis revealed a lack of clear contrasting factions, due to a core–periphery structure. The core of the network brings together all core beliefs but not all of the most influential actors. Assessing network centrality and reputational influence enabled us to identify actors with exceptional agency. We contribute to the debates on advocacy coalitions and on land tenure by distinguishing between attitudes toward tenure regularization policies and their actual implementation in a context where actors have diverging interests and objectives.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1005
Issue number10
Early online date24 Sept 2021
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021


  • Agency
  • Chaco Salteño
  • Content analysis
  • Land tenure
  • Policy networks

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Global and Planetary Change
  • Ecology
  • Nature and Landscape Conservation


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