CO2 EOR and storage in heavy oil reservoirs underlying permafrost

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

1 Citation (Scopus)


Injection of the captured CO2 from industrial sources in oil reservoirs can alleviate negative environmental impacts of CO2 emission into the atmosphere and at the same time provides economic rationale for CCS by improving oil recovery. Compared to light oil, heavy oils have a much larger carbon footprint and hence, from environmental point of view, are more attractive targets for CCS. Heavy oil reservoirs are usually produced by thermal recovery techniques which only exacerbates adverse environmental effects of oil production from these reservoirs. Heavy oil reservoirs can therefore be good candidates for combining CCS and EOR. Examples of such reservoirs are found on North Slope, Alaska, where huge heavy oil resources exist in shallow reservoirs at exceptionally low reservoir temperature because of permafrost. This paper presents the results of a series of coreflood studies using a heavy crude sample from a permafrost region. The experiments compare CO2 storage capacity of the rock sample at reservoir conditions under different injection strategies and determine the additional recovery as a result of CO2 injection. The results show that CO2 injection doubled the heavy oil recovery by plain waterflood however the storage capacity of the rock was not significantly affected by the injection strategy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication3rd EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop 2012
Subtitle of host publicationUnderstanding the Behavior of CO2 in Geological Storage Reservoirs
PublisherEAGE Publishing BV
Number of pages4
ISBN (Print)9781629937854
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2012
Event3rd EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop 2012 - Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Duration: 26 Mar 201227 Mar 2012


Conference3rd EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop 2012
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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