Capping the thiaborate anion [7-nido-SB10H11]

Maria Antonia T Serrate, David Ellis, Georgina Margaret Rosair, Alan Jeffrey Welch

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7 Citations (Scopus)


The salt [HNEt3][7-nido-SB10H11]isolated from the roomtemperature reaction between B10H14, elemental Sand NEt3 by the method of Štíbr and co-workers isessentially pure.The salt has been structurally characterised by X-ray diffraction and its 11BNMR spectrum fully assigned, correcting a previous mis-assignment. Deprotonation ofthe [7-nido-SB10H11] anionfollowed by treatment with HBBr2·SMe2 affords theicosahedral thiaborane 1-closo-SB11H11 ingood yield at ambient temperature. Similarly, deprotonation of [7-nido-SB10H11] followedby metallation affordsthe metallathiaboranes 2-(η-C5H5)-2,1-closo-CoSB10H10 (2),2-(η-C9H7)-2,1-closo-CoSB10H10 (3)and 2-(η-C10H14)-2,1-closo-RuSB10H10 (4)in good to excellent yields. Compounds 24 have allbeen characterised spectroscopically and crystallographically. Comparativeelectrochemical study of 2 and the related species 3-(η-C5H5)-3,1,2-closo-CoC2B9H11 showsthat the [7-nido-SB10H10]2− ligandis a poorer e-doner to Co than is the analogous carborane ligand[7,8-nido-C2B9H12]2−.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)211-216
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Organometallic Chemistry
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2013

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