Book Reviews: Dengjian Jin - The Dynamics of Knowledge Regimes: Technology, Culture and Competitiveness in the USA and Japan

Linda McGilvray, Mangus Holmen, Cecilia Mark-Herbert, Bruce Tether , John Rigby

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article reviewpeer-review


    Books reviewed in this article:

    Dengjian Jin - The Dynamics of Knowledge Regimes: Technology, Culture and Competitiveness in the USA and Japan

    Chrisanthi Avgerou and Renata Lebre La Rovere (eds.) - Information Systems and the Economics of Innovation

    John T. Scott - Environmental Research and Development

    Faiz Gallouj - Innovation in the Service Economy: The New Wealth of Nations

    Andreas Pyka and Gunter Kuppers (eds.) - Innovation Networks Theory and Practice
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)553-560
    Number of pages8
    JournalR & D Management
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2003


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