Attention Over Vulnerable Brain Regions Associating Cerebral Palsy Disorder and Biological Markers

Muhammad Hassan, Jieqong Lin, Ahmed Ameen Fateh, Wei Pang, Luning Zhang, Wang Di, Guojun Yun, Hongwu Zeng

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Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder caused bycerebral ischemia and hypoxia during fetal brain development.Early interventionin CP favors medications and therapies; however, monitoring early braindevelopment in children with CP is critical. It is essential to thoroughlyexamine brain-vulnerable regions associated with biological traits(BTs).Variations in BTs were evident in children with CP; however, it iscritical to explore the BTs’ impact on the brains of healthy controls (HC) andCP-disordered children.


This study associates BTs with HC and CP children.This studyinvestigates the neurodevelopment of HC and CP underlying BTs. This studyestablishes a benchmark for the association of BT with HC and CP children.


The proposed AWG-Net is composed of customizedspatial-channel (CSC) and multi-head self (MHA) attentions, where CSC blocksare incorporated at the first few stages, MHA at later stages, andcumulative-dense structures to propagate susceptible regions to deeper layers.The training samples include T1-w, T2-w, Flair, and Sag, annotated with age,gender, and weight.


The significant results for HC and CP are age (HC:MAE = 1.05, MCS10=85.63, R2=0.844; CP:MAE = 1.16, MCS10=84.79, R2=0.717), gender (HC:Acc = 82.98%, CP: Acc = 82.00%), and weight (HC:MAE = 4.65, MCS10=56.30, R2=0.78; CP:MAE = 2.85, MCS10=70.24, R2=0.82). Vulnerableregions for age are the cerebellar hemisphere, frontal, occipital, and parietalbones in HC and inconsistent in CP. HC and CP commonalities are in the frontalbone and cerebellar hemisphere with HC and discrepant in the occipital and temporalbones for CP. Similarly, gender differences are found for HC and CP.


Age and gender are marginally less affected by the brainregions vulnerable to CP than weight estimation. T1-w is appropriate for age,weight, and gender. The learned trends are different for HC and CP in braindevelopment and gender while slightly different in the case of weight.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Advanced Research
Early online date16 Nov 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 16 Nov 2024


  • Attention
  • Biological trends
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Deep learning
  • MRI
  • Trait


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