Application & Development of the Theory of Liminoid Space to Support Understanding of Executive Education Learning & Support SME Growth

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis


This thesis provides a connective narrative across four previously published works, demonstrating how they collectively contribute to the development of the new Conceptual Model of the Liminoid Learning Experience. With over 30 years’ experience in the academic areas of Marketing, Knowledge Transfer and Executive Education Learning, the author links these published works, demonstrating how collectively they contribute to our deeper understanding of this area. The research investigated focuses on different approaches to knowledge and skills transfer which have developed over time to enable and embed learning for both individuals and firms. The published works examine the evolution of knowledge transfer education, designed to support firm development and growth and the role played by the university sector in this process. Triggers and motivations of firms to engage in learning, the managerial competencies they aim to develop, the learning process itself and the context of the learning environment are all identified and embedded into the new conceptual model of the Liminoid Learning Experience. Within this wider model, the thesis explores the Liminoid Learning Space as a process in which all stakeholders participate, and the impacts and benefits of this engagement are identified for each of the stakeholder audiences. The study provides an original theoretical contribution by developing the new conceptual model of the Liminoid Learning Experience, developing previous conceptual models in the literature. The managerial contribution delivers a template for higher education institutions to apply in their executive education strategy and delivery.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Sunderland
Award date1 Jun 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2023


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