An update to the systematic literature review of empirical evidence of the impacts and outcomes of computer games and serious games

Elizabeth Boyle, Thomas Hainey, Thomas M. Connolly, Grant Gray, Jeffery Earp, Michela Ott, Theodore Lim, Manuel Ninaus, João Pereira, Claudia Riberio

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Continuing interest in digital games indicated that it would be useful to update [Authors’, 2012] systematic literature review of empirical evidence about the positive impacts and outcomes of games. Since a large number of papers was identified in the period from 2009 to 2014, the current review focused on 143 papers that provided higher quality evidence about the positive outcomes of games. [Authors’] multidimensional analysis of games and their outcomes provided a useful framework for organising the varied research in this area. The most frequently occurring outcome reported for games for learning was knowledge acquisition, while entertainment games addressed a broader range of affective, behaviour change, perceptual and cognitive and physiological outcomes. Games for learning were found across varied topics with STEM subjects and health the most popular. Future research on digital games would benefit from a systematic programme of experimental work, examining in detail which game features are most effective in promoting engagement and supporting learning.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)178-192
Number of pages15
JournalComputers and Education
Early online date10 Nov 2015
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2016


  • Computer games
  • Serious games
  • Entertainment
  • Engagement; Learning
  • Systematic literature review


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