An overview of hydropower reservoirs in Brazil: current situation, future perspectives and impacts of climate change

Viviane de Souza Dias, Marta Pereira da Luz, Gabriela M. Medero, Diego Tarley Ferreira Nascimento

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Global climate change, related to the greenhouse gases emission, impacts hydroelectric power generation mainly due to the increase in air temperature and changes in the precipitation patterns. As a consequence, it affects basin evapotranspiration process, runoff, sediment transport as well as evaporation of reservoirs. This study analysed the current and future Brazilian context of hydroelectric reservoirs and investigated the potential impacts of climate change on hydropower generation and possible mitigation adjustments; giving relevant examples from around the world. Moreover, it is key to consider other factors that influence the availability of water resources such as: (a) upstream development of reservoirs, mainly the development of agricultural systems, which can contribute to increased water demand; (b) changes in land use, which can have an impact on soil degradation and sediments transport. Hydroelectric dams are a possible alternative to mitigate the impacts of climate change considering that those impacts could generate the need of adaptive actions. The assessment of climate change impacts projections anticipates possible future scenarios and can assist in strategic planning together with the definition of adaptive operational policies.
Original languageEnglish
Article number592
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 3 May 2018


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