An Evolutionary Computation Based Feature Selection Method for Intrusion Detection

Yu Xue, Weiwei Jia, Xuejian Zhao, Wei Pang

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As the important elements of the Internet of Things system, wireless sensor network (WSN) has gradually become popular in many application fields. However, due to the openness of WSN, attackers can easily eavesdrop, intercept, and rebroadcast data packets. WSN has also faced many other security issues. Intrusion detection system (IDS) plays a pivotal part in data security protection of WSN. It can identify malicious activities that attempt to violate network security goals. Therefore, the development of effective intrusion detection technologies is very important. However, many dimensions of the datasets of IDS are irrelevant or redundant. This causes low detection speed and poor performance. Feature selection is thus introduced to reduce dimensions in IDS. At the same time, many evolutionary computing (EC) techniques were employed in feature selection. However, these techniques usually have just one Candidate Solution Generation Strategy (CSGS) and often fall into local optima when dealing with feature selection problems. The self-adaptive differential evolution (SaDE) algorithm is adopted in our paper to deal with feature selection problems for IDS. The adaptive mechanism and four effective CSGSs are used in SaDE. Through this method, an appropriate CSGS can be selected adaptively to generate new individuals during evolutionary process. Besides, we have also improved the control parameters of the SaDE. The K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) is used for performance assessment for feature selection. KDDCUP99 dataset is employed in the experiments, and experimental results demonstrate that SaDE is more promising than the algorithms it compares.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2492956
JournalSecurity and Communication Networks
Publication statusPublished - 9 Oct 2018


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