Adjusted Connections I: Differential Cocycles for Principal Groupoid Bundles with Connection

Simon-Raphael Fischer, Mehran Jalali Farahani, Hyungrok Kim, Christian Saemann

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We develop a new perspective on principal bundles with connection as morphisms from the tangent bundle of the underlying manifold to a classifying dg-Lie groupoid. This groupoid can be identified with a lift of the inner homomorphisms groupoid arising in \v{S}evera's differentiation procedure of Lie quasi-groupoids. Our new perspective readily extends to principal groupoid bundles, but requires an adjustment, an additional datum familiar from higher gauge theory. The resulting adjusted connections naturally provide a global formulation of the kinematical data of curved Yang-Mills-Higgs theories as described by Kotov-Strobl (arXiv:1510.07654) and Fischer (arXiv:2104.02175).
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jun 2024


  • math.DG
  • hep-th
  • math-ph
  • math.MP

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