A stochastic model of corneal epithelium maintenance and recovery following perturbation

Eleni Moraki, Ramon Grima, Kevin J. Painter

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Various biological studies suggest that the corneal epithelium is maintained by active stem cells located in the limbus, the so-called limbal epithelial stem cell hypothesis. While numerous mathematical models have been developed to describe corneal epithelium wound healing, only a few have explored the process of corneal epithelium homeostasis. In this paper we present a purposefully simple stochastic mathematical model based on a chemical master equation approach, with the aim of clarifying the main factors involved in the maintenance process. Model analysis provides a set of constraints on the numbers of stem cells, division rates, and the number of division cycles required to maintain a healthy corneal epithelium. In addition, our stochastic analysis reveals noise reduction as the epithelium approaches its homeostatic state, indicating robustness to noise. Finally, recovery is analysed in the context of perturbation scenarios.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1245-1276
Number of pages32
JournalJournal of Mathematical Biology
Issue number5
Early online date26 Nov 2018
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2019


  • Chemical master equation
  • Corneal epithelium homeostasis and recovery
  • ODE and stochastic model

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Modelling and Simulation
  • Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Applied Mathematics


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