A pressure-based estimate of synthetic jet velocity

Tim Persoons, Tadhg S. O'Donovan

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Synthetic jets are used for active flow control and enhanced heat transfer, and are typically generated by an orifice connected to a cavity with movable diaphragm actuator. Low-power operation is achieved by matching actuator and Helmholtz resonance frequencies. This brief communication presents an analytical model derived from simplified gas dynamics, for estimating the synthetic jet velocity and actuator deflection, based on a cavity pressure measurement. Model closure is provided by a damping force in the orifice, which agrees with established pressure loss correlations for steady flow through short ducts. The model is validated against experimental data obtained for an axisymmetric synthetic jet. The valid frequency range extends from zero, over the Helmholtz resonance frequency, up to a geometry-dependent limit frequency. This model presents a reference against which synthetic jet velocity can be calibrated.

Original languageEnglish
Article number128104
Pages (from-to)-
Number of pages4
JournalPhysics of Fluids
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2007


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