A posteriori study of filtered Euler-Euler two-phase model using a high resolution simulation of a 3D periodic circulating fluidized bed

Ali Özel, Pascal Fede, Olivier Simonin

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Gas-particle flows in vertical risers are involved in many industrial scale fluidized bed applications such as catalytic cracking, fossil or biomass combustion. Risers flows are often simulated by two-fluid model equations coupled with closures developed in the frame the kinetic theory of granular media. However, two-fluid model discretized over coarse mesh with respect to particle clustering size are performed for large units because of limited computational resources. Now, it is well established that meso-scales cancelled out by coarse mesh simulations have dramatic effect on overall behaviour of flows. This study proposed a sub-grid modeling approach for effective drag force and particle stresses which accounts for the effects of unresolved structures on the resolved flows.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event2012 AIChE Annual Meeting - David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, United States
Duration: 28 Oct 20122 Nov 2012


Conference2012 AIChE Annual Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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