A novel hydroxo-bridged cyclic tetranuclear copper(II) complex using the guanazole ligand: Synthesis, crystal structure and thermal analysis

Aurkie Ray, Samiran Mitra, Georgina M. Rosair

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7 Citations (Scopus)


A novel hydroxo-bridged cyclic tetranuclear copper(II) complex with the guanazole ligand (3,5-diamino-1,2,4-triazole = Hdatrz), [Cu4(datrz)42-OH)2(NO3) (H2O)6] · (NO3) · 5(H2O) (1) has been synthesised and characterised by X-ray crystallography. In 1, the four copper(II) centres are linked by hydroxo bridges and the N1,N2-coordination of the deprotonated guanazole ligands. The core has considerably short Cu?Cu distances in the range of 3.3550(4)-3.3611(4) Å. Thermal analysis of 1 reveals that the cyclic framework constructed with hydroxo and guanazole ligands is stable up to 285 °C. Crown Copyright © 2008.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1256-1259
Number of pages4
JournalInorganic Chemistry Communications
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2008


  • Copper(II) complex
  • Cyclic tetranuclear
  • Guanazole ligand
  • Hydroxo bridged


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