A matrix model for a noncommutative formulation of the D = 11 supermembrane compactified torus

L. Boulton*, M. P. García del Moral, I. Martín, A. Restuccia

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We introduce a SU(N) regularized matrix model of the noncommutative-formulation of the D = 11 supermembrane compactified on a torus with non-trivial winding. In this model we show that the sector characterized by the winding number n ≠ 0 has no local string-like spikes, and the bosonic sector of the theory has discrete spectrum. We also discuss the spectrum for the complete supersymmetric model.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)108-110
Number of pages3
JournalRevista Mexicana de Fisica
Issue numberSuppl. 3
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2003


  • Matrix models
  • Noncommutative geometry
  • SU(N) regularization
  • Supermembrane

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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