A closed-form solution to predict short-range surface plasmons in thin films and its application to hole arrays

María Lorente Crespo, Carolina Mateo-Segura

Research output: Working paper

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A theoretical study of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in ultrathin lossy metal films is presented. The dispersion relation of such films is well known and can be solved numerically to obtain a combination of long-range (LR-) and short-range (SR-) eigenmodes. In this contribution, a simple solution for the SR-SPPs is derived. An approximation for the LR- eigenmodes can be found elsewhere. To validate the approximation, a two dimensional (2D) periodic array of small holes is studied subsequently. The spectral response of the array is obtained by full-wave simulations and the results compared with those calculated analytically, showing an excellent agreement for small holes.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jul 2015


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