3d Forced multiphase flow on the pore scale

Hagen Scholl, Kamaljit Singh, Mario Scheel, Marco Dimichiel, Stephan Herminghaus, Ralf Seemann

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Using ultra fast x-ray tomography the forced imbibition of an aqueous phase into an initially oil filled matrix is studied. The water is volume controlled flushed into cylindrical columns filled with oil saturated spherical bead packs. The oil displacement is imaged in real time having a spacial resolution of 11 microns and a temporal resolution of about 1 second. To clearly distinguish the aqueous from the oily phase a contrast agent was added to the aqueous phase. The influence of wettability, oil viscosity, gravity and flow velocity was explored and analyzed in terms of temporal development of oil saturation and front shape. It turned out that capillary forces are the key to understand the forced multiphase behavior in the explored parameter range. Funding was provided by the BP-ExploRe project.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2013
EventAPS Division of Fluid Dynamics 66th Annual Meeting - Pittsburgh, United States
Duration: 24 Nov 201326 Nov 2013


ConferenceAPS Division of Fluid Dynamics 66th Annual Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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