Marc Phillipe Yves Desmulliez Photograph taken by Heriot-Watt University
1994 …2025

Research activity per year

Personal profile


Marc Desmulliez graduated from the French Grande Ecole CentraleSupelec (Paris) in Electrical Engineering in 1987. After gaining two College Diplomas in Microwave and Modern Optics at University College London (UCL, London) and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP, Cambridge), he obtained his Ph.D. in Optoelectronics at Heriot-Watt University in 1995 and his Master of Advanced Studies (Cambridge) in 2011.


Marc Desmulliez founded/directed the MicroSystems Engineering Centre from 2000 till 2016. During that time he created the first EPSRC-funded UK Master of Science in Microsystems Engineering (concomittently with Cranfield University) under the Master Training Programme. Most of the contents of this Master were converted into an Erasmus Mundus MSc that has been running from 2017 until now.


From April 2020 till present, he manages the £6M Medical Device Manufacturing Centre (MDMC) which has helped over 170 Scottish Companies translating proof-of-concept devices into batches of manufactured products. The MDMC is also helping companies in their journey in Regulatory Affairs and Product Sustainability.


Currently Deputy Head of the Research Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems (ISSS), he leads the Smart Systems Research Group which has research interests in novel manufacturing technologies, medical device manufacturing, microwave sensing and nature inspired manufacturing.


Chartered Engineer and Physicist, Prof. Desmulliez has a research track record in combining electrical and mechanical engineering, optoelectronics and theoretical physics. He has published over 518 peer-reviewed journal and conference articles spanning the fields of optoelectronics, manufacturing technology, packaging, biology and microwave engineering. He also holds 8 patents and 3 Design Rights.


Before entering academia, Marc worked in industry from 1990 till 1992 as an electrical power engineer in charge of 70 people ensuring the electrical maintenance of the steel factroy Sollac (now ArcelorMittal) in Dunkirk (France). He span out in January 2003 the company MicroStencil Ltd which trasnfered in 2011 its technology to the multinational company DEK, the largest stencil printing equipment manufacturer, under the DEK platinum brand.


He also founded in 2017 Microsense Technologies Ltd which exploits novel sensing technology for non destructive testing. He created and directs the company Birthing Solutions Ltd the same year. The company manufactures novel medical devices for expecting mothers wanting to experience a better birth in water.


Research interests

Marc's research interests are diverse but lie at the interfaces between traditional fields of sciences and engineering, which is arguably one of the main sources of innovative ideas today.

Broad field of research interests include: 

1)     Novel manufacturing technologies technologies. Examples include:

2)     Medical device manufacturing. Examples include:

3)     Microwave sensing. Examples include:

No further information is available due to commercial confidentiality.

4)     Biomimetism and nature inspired manufacturing. Examples include:


Roles & Responsibilities

Marc is a Professor in Electrical Engineering, in the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences. He taught over 16 different subjets related to electrical engineering inthe past ranging from electromagnetism, engineering mathematics to RF-mobile communications systems. He currently teaches Advanced Reading and Sustainable Energy & Power Systems. He also supervises postgraduate students in systems engineering and advanced modelling. 


Marc had many roles and responsibilities at Heriot-Watt University since becoming a Lecturer in September 1995. These include Associate Principal for Impact (2022-2024), Member of Court (2020-2023), Head of Research Institute in Signals, Sensors and Systems (2012-2015), Head of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering (2006-2009), Member of Senate (2006-2009), Director of MIcrosystems Engineering Centre (MISEC, 1996-2016), Director of Nature Inspired Manufacturing Centre (2016-present), Manager of the Medical Device Manufacturing Centre (2020-present).


He is currently involved in the Global Research Institute INNETZ+ participating in the Research Theme Nature-based Solutions.



Key Research Words/Phrases


Microwave Sensing

Medical Devices 


Global Sensitivity Analysis

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production


  • TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
  • Electronics
  • Engineering & Product Design
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Manufacturing
  • Sensors


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