6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Lehel Banjai with the persons below:
Dugald Black Duncan
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Professor
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Mathematics - Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Mariya Ptashnyk
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Associate Professor
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Mathematics - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Lyonell Boulton
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Professor
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Mathematics - Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Alfred Chong
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Associate Professor
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Actuarial Mathematics & Statistics - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Md Azher Uddin
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Manuel Maarek
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Associate Professor
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Computer Science - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)