• EH14 4AS

    United Kingdom

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

I have supervised PhD students on a range of topics including legal interpreting, police interpreting, video remote interpreting, conference interpreting, performance interpreting, mental health interpreting, interpreter and translator education, interpreting strategies, deaf professional experiences of working with interpreters, and (applied) sign language linguistics.

I am willing to consider applicants from potential PhD students on any of my research interests and areas of expertise, mostly with a focus on (but not necessarily limited to) sign languages. I am keen to support capacity building for people from under-represented groups in academia, so in line with my expertise I particularly encourage applications from deaf sign language users and women.

The research centre I am affiliated with advertises PhD projects once a year for internally funded full scholarships, otherwise I can consider PhD applications at any time of year if people have other sources of funds or are self-funded. My availability to take on new PhD candidates will depend on how many students I am already supervising and their stage of their candidature. If you are interested in applying for a PhD feel free to contact me, and I am happy to support with developing proposals and also identifying potential funding.

Information on how to apply is available here: https://www.hw.ac.uk/uk/study/research/translation-interpreting.htm


Research activity per year

Review article

Search results