• EH14 4AS

    United Kingdom

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Neuro-symbolic AI in education with application to high school mathematics.

Previous PhD:
• Carl Rizk. Contribution to the evaluation and optimisation of passenger screening at airports. PhD thesis, Uni Toulouse - INPT, France, December 2019.

• Antonio Rincon Quintero. Statistical modelling and quantification of EEG signals: Application to the characterisation and onset detection in epileptic seizures. PhD thesis, Instituto Tecnologico (ITBA) - Buenos Aires, Argentine, March 2018.

• Abdelghafour Halimi. Statistical modelling and processing of confocal microscopy images: application to dermatology. PhD thesis, Uni de Toulouse - INPT, France, December 2017.

• Facundo Hernan Costa. Bayesian M/EEG Source Localization with Possible Joint Skull Conductivity Estimation. PhD thesis, Uni de Toulouse - INPT, France, March 2017.

• Meriem Djeddi. Modélisation statistique multifractale et segmentation par contours actifs d’images d’ultrasons de haute fréquence. Application au mélanome de la peau. PhD thesis, Uni Toulouse - INPT, France, Sept. 2015.

• Zacharie Irace. Modélisation statistique et segmentation d’images TEP. Application à l’hétérogénéité et au suivi de tumeurs pulmonaires. PhD thesis, Uni de Toulouse - INPT, France, Oct. 2014.

• David Didierlaurent. Mise en cohérence spatiale et temporelle de données TEP-TDM acquises en respiration libre pour l’évaluation du cancer pulmonaire. PhD thesis, Uni de Toulouse - UPS, France, July 2013.

• Marcelo A. Pereyra. Statistical modelling and processing of high-frequency ultrasound images: Application to dermatologic oncology. PhD thesis, Uni de Toulouse - INPT, France, July 2012.

• Christelle Kaffa. Contribution à la Gestion des Opérations de la Sureté Aéroportuaire: Modélisation et Optimisation. PhD thesis, Uni. de Toulouse - INPT, France, Nov. 2010.

• Ali Mcheik. Modélisation statistique du speckle en OCT. Application à la segmentation d’images cutannées. PhD thesis, Uni de Toulouse - INPT, France, Oct. 2010.

• Zehor Ouksili. Compensation du mouvement respiratoire dans les images TEP/TDM. PhD thesis, Uni de Toulouse - INPT, France, Mai 2010.

• Marco Mora. Ensembles de niveaux robustes au speckle et recalage B-spline. Application à la segmentation et l’analyse de mouvement cardiaque par des images ultrasons. PhD thesis, Uni de Toulouse - INPT, France, Dec. 2008.

• Christophe Piombo. Modélisation probabiliste du style d’apprentissage et application à l’adaptation de contenus pédagogiques indexés par une ontologie. PhD thesis, Uni de Toulouse - INPT, France, October 2007.

• Clovis Tauber. Filtrage anisotrope robuste et segmentation par B-Spline snake : application aux images échographiques. PhD thesis, Uni de Toulouse - INPT, France, Feb 2005.

• Michael Weeks. Improved continuous-media server I/O subsystem architectures. MPhil thesis, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK, July 1999.


Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

Machine Learning, Computational Imaging, Neuro-Symbolic-AI, Hybrid bioinspired and deep learning models with applications to Medical imaging, Computer vision, and Robotics.

To date, Hadj has published 150 research papers in peer-reviewed academic journals and international conferences with an h-index of 26, in addition to supervising 15 PhD theses.


Dr Hadj Batatia has been an Associate Professor at the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (MACS) at Heriot-Watt University Dubai (HWUD) since 2020. He is the Associate Director of Research for MACS Dubai. In this role, Hadj is responsible for setting the school research strategy and delivery plan, promoting research activities, and leading the local research coordination committee. 
Before joining HWUD, Hadj was an Associate Professor in the Computer Science department of the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (INP Toulouse), France. Previously, he was Director of the Graduate Apprenticeship in Computer Science, Head of the Computer Science department, and Associate Director of the School of Industrial Sciences and Technologies at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers – Toulouse Campus, France.
He has taught courses in various subjects, including Advanced Machine Learning, Biologically Inspired Computation, Big Data Management, Systems Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Image Processing and Software Development at multiple levels (Diploma, Bachelor, Master). His combined experience in academia spans 30 years across France, the UK, Malaysia and currently the UAE. Throughout his academic career, Hadj has contributed to designing new curricula, updating existing ones, and creating and delivering continuous professional development programmes.
Hadj completed his MSc in Artificial Intelligence and his PhD in Computer Vision, respectively, in 1987 and 1992 at the University of Toulouse in France, having undertaken his undergraduate studies at the University of Algiers in Algeria. He is fluent in English, French, and Arabic. In his free time, Hadj enjoys reading history, hiking, mountain trekking, and gardening.

Roles & Responsibilities

Current roles

  • Associate Director of Research - School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences – HWU Dubai (since June 2022)
  • Member of the Research Coordination Committee - HWU Dubai
  • Director of programme BSc Data Sciences (HWU - 2020 to 2023)
  • Director of the Direct Entry to Computer Science Certificate programme at MACS-Dubai (HWU - since 2021)

Previous roles

  • Head of the research team on “Image processing and Understanding” (Univ. Toulouse – France 2012-2020)
  • Member of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Research on Informatics - 600 researchers (Univ. Toulouse – France 2017 – 2020)
  • Director of PG Apprenticeship in Computer Science (CNAM Toulouse – France 2010- 2020)
  • Associate Director of the School of Industrial Sciences and Technologies - 7 departments (Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers – Toulouse Campus – France 2012- 2020)
  • Head of the Computer Science department (CNAM Toulouse – France 2003 - 2012)
  • Director of BSc media technology programme (Univ. Teesside – UK 1998-1999)

Key Research Words/Phrases

Statistical modelling and inference in images

Partial derivative Equations and variational methods in image processing

Deep learning for image processing

Inverse problems in images (reconstruction, denoising)

Motion tracking and compensation (respiratory motions in PET/CT images)

Vision based drone localisation

Profile Summary

Hadj Batatia is a researcher and educator specialising in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and biologically inspired computation. He has extensive experience in medical image processing and computer vision. He led multiple international research projects, supervised many PhDs, and published over 150 research papers. He is leading the research strategy and coordination at the school of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at Heriot-Watt University - Dubai.

Research Grants and Projects

  • 2021-2023 ESMS50000 AED – University of Wollongong + Heriot-Watt University joint fund.
    Monitoring mental disorders of the elderly with healthcare smart home systems using multimodal data.
    Partners: Uni. Wollongong Australia, Uni. Limoges France, Uni. Toulouse-France, Uni. Mons Belgique.
    Results: Reference model of healthcare smart home systems, innovative models and algorithms for human behaviour monitoring 
    1 ongoing PhD, 7 Masters
  • 2014 - 2017 RELIC - 45 000 , Pierre Fabre Laboratories S.A..
    Characterisation of skin lentigo by confocal microscopy image analysis.
    Partner:  Pierre Fabre Laboratories (CERPER cosmetology lab)
    Impact: Software for systematic analysis of CMI images.
    1 PhD
  • 2012 - 2013 DynBrain - 22 253 €, France-Latine America Program (Chili),
    Reconstruction of Brain Dynamic EEG image and EEG source localisation. Application to monitoring Epilepsy.
    Partners: Uni Santa Catarina - Brazil, Institute Technological (ITBA)- Buenos Aires
    Results: Statistical models for the characterisation of EEG signals and detection of epileptic onset, Innovative algorithms with structured sparsity to localise EEG sources
    2 PhD, 3 Masters
  • 2011 HYBRID - 5 000 €, National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) - France.
    Study of information geometry of active contours with non-Gaussian data. Application to biomedical images.
    Partners: University of Toulouse, University of Harriot Watt-Scotland
    Results: new information geometry-based algorithms to solve inverse problems in biomedical images.
    1 Postdoc
  • 2010-2012 MOSTAM - 13 000 €, Uni Toulouse fund.
    Statistical modelling heavy-tailed statistical phenomena. Application to ultrasounds in the human skin.
    Partners: Institute of Mathematics – Toulouse, University of Toulouse
    Results: Alpha-stable distribution models of ultrasound propagation in random media.
    1 Master
  • 2009 - 2012 SKINS - 130 000 , Pierre Fabre Laboratories. 
    HFUS and OCT Images for the characterisation of human skin.
    Partner: Pierre Fabre Laboratories (CERPER cosmetology lab)
    Result: Integrated software for batch processing of skin ultrasound and OCT images.
    1 PhD
  • 2008 – 2012: CAMM4D - 761 493 €, Unified Interministerial Fund – FUI French Government.
    Characterisation and analysis of 4D multimodal morphometry applied to skin oncology.
    Partners: University Hospital Toulouse, Pierre Fabre Laboratories S.A., Magellium (SME), Cancer-Bio-Sante Institute.
    Impact: Innovative models and algorithms for high-frequency ultrasound, Optical Coherence Tomography, and Confocal Microscopy imaging applied to the skin; New medical protocol for multimodal skin disease imaging; Validation through a clinical study.
    2 PhD
  • 2006 – 2013: COHERENCE - 1 175 434 €, Unified Interministerial Fund – FUI French Government, Occitanie Regional Council.
    Spatiotemporal coherence in PET/CT images and Respiration signals. Application to motion compensation in dynamic PET/CT for pulmonary oncology.
    Partners: Cancer University Institute - Toulouse, General Electric Health, ISP Systems (Ltd.), Cancer-Bio-Sante Institute.
    Impact: Real-time embedded system for PET-CT-respiration synchronisation; Innovative algorithms for 4D PET/CT dynamic image reconstruction; Integrated open-source software COHERENCE; Medical validation in clinical study
    2 PhD, 1 postdoc, 2 RA
  • 2006 - 2011 KPLAB - 13 000 000 €, CEE PCRD-6 IST Program (Toulouse fund 44000€). Knowledge Practices Laboratory.
    Partners: 22 European partners from 14 countries.
    Results: Innovative shared space model for knowledge creation; Ontology-based Semantic multimedia annotation, learning, and activity analysis; innovative models and scenarios for human learning based on knowledge creation…
    1 PhD, 2 postdoc, 2 RA
  • 2005 - 2007 UPSkill - 444 415 €, CEE Leonardo Da Vinci programme (Uni Toulouse fund 103 823 €). Upskilling software engineering developers to modelling and design.
    Partners: Fraunhofer Institute (Germany), College of Dublin, Softwin (Romania), Uni Sofia (Bulgaria)
    Impact: Handbook on blended methods for task-based learning, Repository of case studies industry, Collection of multimedia learning materials for continuing professional training in software engineering (marked to the car industry in Germany).
    1 PhD
  • 1998 - 2002 Netpro - 617 988 €, CEE Leonardo Da Vinci programme.
    Network project-based learning in engineering education.
    Partners: Metropolia Uni (Finland), Uni Genoa (Italy), Uni Utrecht (Netherland), Uni Sofia (Bulgaria), Scienter (Italy), Uni York (UK), Uni Kingston (UK)
    Impact: Book on network-based learning for engineering education, Software system for project-learning management

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


  • QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science


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  • NTFA: Network Flow Aggregator

    Karim, K., Ragab Hassen, H. & Batatia, H., 8 Sept 2023, Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Cybersecurity (ACS) 2023. Zantout, H. & Ragab Hassen, H. (eds.). Springer, p. 21-28 8 p. (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems; vol. 760).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Robust analysis and spectral-based deep learning to detect driving fatigue from EEG signals

    Quintero-Rincón, A., Chaari, L. & Batatia, H., 4 May 2023, 2022 International Conference on Technology Innovations for Healthcare (ICTIH). IEEE, 10111943

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • A Convolutional Neural Network for Artifacts Detection in EEG Data

    Boudaya, A., Chaabene, S., Bouaziz, B., Batatia, H., Zouari, H., Jemea, S. B. & Chaari, L., 21 Apr 2022, Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology and Applications. ICITA 2021. Ullah, A., Gill, S., Rocha, Á. & Anwar, S. (eds.). Springer, p. 3-13 11 p. (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems; vol. 350).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    3 Citations (Scopus)
  • Bayesian Optimization for Sparse Artificial Neural Networks: Application to Change Detection in Remote Sensing

    Fakhfakh, M., Bouaziz, B., Batatia, H. & Chaari, L., 21 Apr 2022, Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology and Applications. ICITA 2021. Ullah, A., Gill, S., Rocha, Á. & Anwar, S. (eds.). Springer, p. 39-49 11 p. (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems; vol. 350).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    2 Citations (Scopus)
  • Effects of home confinement on mental health and lifestyle behaviours during the COVID-19 outbreak: Insights from the ECLB-COVID19 multicentre study

    Ammar, A., Trabelsi, K., Brach, M., Chtourou, H., Boukhris, O., Masmoudi, L., Bouaziz, B., Bentlage, E., How, D., Ahmed, M., Mueller, P., Mueller, N., Hammouda, O., Paineiras-Domingos, L. L., Braakman-Jansen, A., Wrede, C., Bastoni, S., Pernambuco, C. S., Mataruna, L. & Taheri, M. & 48 others, Irandoust, K., Khacharem, A., Bragazzi, N. L., Strahler, J., Adrian, J., Andreeva, A., Glenn, J. M., Bott, N. T., Gargouri, F., Chaari, L., Batatia, H., Khoshnami, S. C., Samara, E., Zisi, V., Sankar, P., Ahmed, W. N., Ali, G. M., Abdelkarim, O., Jarraya, M., El Abed, K., Moalla, W., Romdhani, M., Aloui, A., Souissi, N., van Gemert-Pijnen, L., Riemann, B. L., Riemann, L., Delhey, J., Gómez-Raja, J., Epstein, M., Sanderman, R., Schulz, S., Jerg, A., Al-Horani, R., Mansi, T., Jmail, M., Barbosa, F., Ferreira-Santos, F., Šimunič, B., Pišot, R., Pišot, S., Gaggioli, A., Zmijewski, P., Bailey, S. J., Steinacker, J. M., Chamari, K., Driss, T. & Hoekelmann, A., 2021, In: Biology of Sport. 38, 1, p. 9-21 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    266 Citations (Scopus)