- 450 - 525 out of 1,308 results
Search results
Emma Guion Akdağ
- School of Social Sciences - Assistant Professor
- School of Social Sciences, Languages & Intercultural Studies - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Clémence Guissard
- School of Social Sciences - Graduate Teaching Assistant, PGR
- School of Social Sciences, Languages & Intercultural Studies - Graduate Teaching Assistant
Person: Academic (Teaching), Post Graduate Researcher
Mehreen Saleem Gul
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Assistant Professor
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Institute for Sustainable Building Design - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Nancie Gunson
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Research Associate
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Computer Science - Research Associate
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Shaoxiang Guo
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Research Associate
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Fergus Guppy
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Institute for Life and Earth Sciences - Associate Professor
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Debatri Gupta
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - IDRIC Policy Research Officer
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Mechanical, Process & Energy Engineering - IDRIC Policy Research Officer
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Tony Gutierrez
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Professor
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Mechanical, Process & Energy Engineering - Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Maciej Gutowski
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Professor
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Chemical Sciences - Professor
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Noor Zainab Habib
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Caitlin Hackett
- School of Social Sciences - Assistant Professor
- School of Social Sciences, Languages & Intercultural Studies - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Fikri Hadiansyah
- School of Social Sciences - Graduate Teaching Assistant, PGR
- School of Social Sciences, Edinburgh Business School - Graduate Teaching Assistant
Person: Academic (Teaching), Post Graduate Researcher
Pouria Hafiz
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Assistant Professor, PGR
Person: Academic (Teaching), Post Graduate Researcher
Jurriaan Hage
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Professor
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Computer Science - Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Bernard Haggarty
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Research Associate
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Computer Science - Research Associate
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Morteza Haghighat Sefat
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Associate Professor
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Institute for GeoEnergy Engineering - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Sami Haider
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Abdul-Lateef Haji-Ali
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Associate Professor
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Actuarial Mathematics & Statistics - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Daniel R. Hale
- School of Social Sciences - Assistant Professor
- School of Social Sciences, Psychology - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Abderrahim Halimi
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Associate Professor
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Sensors, Signals & Systems - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Deborah Hall
- School of Social Sciences - Professor
- School of Social Sciences, Psychology - Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Rachael Hall
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Research Assistant, PGR
- Global Research Institutes, The Lyell Centre - Research Assistant
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow, Post Graduate Researcher
Karima Hamani
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Alison Morven Hamilton-Pryde
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Associate Professor
- School of Textiles & Design - Associate Professor
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Institute for Sustainable Building Design - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Jun Han
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Yujia Han
- School of Social Sciences - Assistant Professor, PGR
Person: Post Graduate Researcher, Academic (Research & Teaching)
Duncan Paul Hand
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences - Professor
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Amos Peter Haniff
- School of Social Sciences - Professor
- School of Social Sciences, Edinburgh Business School - Professor
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Jennie Charlotte Hansen, Hon.FIA
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Professor Emeritus
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Actuarial Mathematics & Statistics - Professor Emeritus
Person: Emeritus
David Hare
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Assistant Professor
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Mechanical, Process & Energy Engineering - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Nick Harpers
- Global Research Institutes - Research Associate
- Global Research Institutes, The Lyell Centre - Research Associate
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Daniel Bernard Harries
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Assistant Professor
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Institute for Life and Earth Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Kirsty Harrington
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Research Associate
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Mechanical, Process & Energy Engineering - Research Associate
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Owen Harrington Fernández
- School of Social Sciences - Assistant Professor
- School of Social Sciences, Languages & Intercultural Studies - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Shannon Harris
- School of Social Sciences - Assistant Professor
- School of Social Sciences, Edinburgh Business School - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Mark G. J. Hartl
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Associate Professor
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Institute for Life and Earth Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Sacha Hasan
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Assistant Professor, Research Fellow
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, The Urban Institute - Assistant Professor, Research Fellow
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow, Academic (Teaching)
Syed Tanvir UL Hasan
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Azza Hashim Abbas Babikir
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Assistant Professor
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Institute for GeoEnergy Engineering - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Maheen Hasib
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Haslifah Hasim
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Nurmala Irdawaty Hassan
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Zane Havens
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Research Associate
- Global Research Institutes, The Lyell Centre - Research Associate
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Ben Haylock
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Research Associate
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences - Research Associate
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Hamed Heidari
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Research Fellow
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Institute for GeoEnergy Engineering - Research Fellow
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
April Henning
- School of Social Sciences - Associate Professor
- School of Social Sciences, Edinburgh Business School - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Theodore B. Henry
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Professor
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Institute for Life and Earth Sciences - Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Eur Ing Ayman William Hermansson
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Daniel Hernandez Garcia
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Research Fellow
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Computer Science - Research Fellow
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Natalia Herrera Valencia
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Research Associate
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences - Research Associate
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Billie Yan Zhang Hiew
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Anne Elizabeth Hill
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Professor
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and Bioengineering - Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Joseph Ho
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Research Associate
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences - Research Associate
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Lotte Hollands
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Professor
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Mathematics - Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Calum Holmes
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Associate Professor
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and Bioengineering - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Ashley W. T. Hong
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Jiasheng Hong
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Sensors, Signals & Systems - Professor
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Babette Hoogakker
- Global Research Institutes - Professor
- Global Research Institutes, The Lyell Centre - Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Md Shabbir Hossain
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Research & Teaching)
Derek Houghton
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Research Associate
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Computer Science - Research Associate
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Stephen Douglas Houston
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Xiaoqi Hu
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences - Research Associate
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Mechanical, Process & Energy Engineering - Research Associate
Person: Research Assistant/Fellow
Rachael Hulme
- School of Social Sciences - Assistant Professor
- School of Social Sciences, Psychology - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic (Teaching)