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Adoption of CBD Mortality Models in the International Insurance and Pensions Industry
Cairns, A. J. G. (Participant)
Impact: Economic
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Autonomous Intelligent Control Valves Enhance Oil Recovery and Environmental Sustainability
David Roland Davies (Participant), Khafiz Muradov (Participant) & Ivan Grebenkin (Participant)
Impact: Environmental, Economic
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Community Placemaking through Heritage Work
Máiréad Nic Craith (Participant), Ullrich Kockel (Participant) & Thomas Farrington (Participant)
Impact: Cultural, Societal
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Embedded Intelligent Condition Monitoring and Failure Prognosis for Critical Systems
David Flynn (Participant), Valentin Robu (Participant) & Graeme Coapes (Participant)
Impact: Economic
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Enhancing operational and financial performance by improving how organisations measure and manage performance
Bititci, U. S. (Participant)
Impact: Economic
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Environmental, Economic and Policy Impact in Road Freight Transport
Corne, D. (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Environmental
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Environmental Risk Co-management Policy and Interventions Protect Low-income and Vulnerable Communities in Latin America
Garcia Ferrari, M. S. (Participant), Smith, H. (Participant) & Medero, G. M. (Participant)
Impact: Legal, Environmental, Societal
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Horizon Proteins: Circular Economy Innovation from Whisky By-Product to Fish Feedstock
Willoughby, N. (Participant), Maskell, D. L. (Participant) & White, J. (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Environmental
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Improved Understanding of Population and Mortality Data Benefits the UK and International Pensions and Insurance Sectors
Cairns, A. J. G. (Participant)
Impact: Economic
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Increasing participation, access, and inclusion for signing deaf communities
Napier, J. (Participant), Turner, G. H. (Participant), Kusters, A. M. J. (Participant), Adam, R. (Participant), (Participant), Steen, S. (Participant), (Participant) & Quinn, G. (Participant)
Impact: Societal, Legal
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Intelligent Testing Strategies for Nanomaterial Safety
Stone, V. (Participant), Johnston, H. J. (Participant) & Fernandes, T. F. (Participant)
Impact: Legal, Economic
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Library of Botanicals to Boost Worldwide Sales of Scottish Gin
Hill, A. E. (Participant) & Pauley, M. (Participant)
Impact: Economic
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Machine Learning Enables Active Asset Management of Power Networks
Valentin Robu (Participant), David Flynn (Participant) & Maizura Mokhtar (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Environmental
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Making Articles Systematically Discoverable for Researchers – JournalTOCs
Chumbe, S. S. (Participant)
Impact: Technological
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Making Research Data More Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable
Impact: Legal, Technological
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Marine Ecosystem Services Restoration & Management
Sanderson, B. (Participant), (Participant), Harries, D. B. (Participant), Porter, J. (Participant), (Participant), Lyndon, A. R. (Participant), Henry, T. B. (Participant), (Participant), Woolf, D. K. (Participant), Bell, M. (Participant), (Participant), McWhinnie, L. H. (Participant), Fernandes, T. F. (Participant) & Kerr, S. (Participant)
Impact: Environmental, Economic
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Mathematical Modelling of the UK Squirrel System Directs Conservation and Forest Management Policy and Practice to Protect Endangered Red Squirrels.
Andy White (Participant)
Impact: Health, Legal, Environmental
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New Statistical Methods for Integrating Epidemic and Genetic Data Within Spatio-Temporal Models Help to Control the Spread of Mycoplasma Bovis in New Zealand.
Gavin Jarvis Gibson (Participant) & George Streftaris (Participant)
Impact: Health
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Novel Optical Sensing Technologies and Techniques for In-Situ Material and Environmental Monitoring
(Participant), (Participant), Carter, R. (Participant), (Participant), MacPherson , W. (Participant), (Participant) & Moore, A. J. (Participant)
Impact: Economic
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Preventing and mitigating child poverty and inequality
Morag Treanor (Participant)
Impact: Societal, Legal
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Reviving Social Housing
Suzanne Fitzpatrick (Participant), Glen Bramley (Participant), Beth Watts-Cobbe (Participant) & Hal Pawson (Participant)
Impact: Societal, Legal
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Science in Support of Sustainable Fishery Management
Bell, M. C. (Participant), Kaiser, M. (Participant), Porter, J. (Participant), Sanderson, B. (Participant), Kerr, S. (Participant), (Participant) & Fernandes, T. F. (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Environmental
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Solar Decathlon Middle East - Team ESTEEM from Heriot Watt University
Alexandra Jane Wyatt MacLaren (Participant)
Impact: Cultural, Environmental, Academic, Societal, Technological
Transforming Responses to Homelessness
Suzanne Fitzpatrick (Participant), Glen Bramley (Participant), Sarah Johnsen (Participant) & Beth Watts-Cobbe (Participant)
Impact: Societal, Health
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Vaccines for Finfish Aquaculture
Alastair Robert Lyndon (Participant), Brian Austin (Participant) & Dawn Amy Austin (Participant)
Impact: Environmental, Economic, Health
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What keeps us sharp? Increasing public awareness of the lifestyle factors promoting brain health
Gow, A. J. (Participant), (Participant) & Niechcial, M. (Participant)
Impact: Societal, Health