

From: Jessica Adamson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 04 May 2016 09:59
To: McCoustra, Martin R S <[email protected]>
Subject: Mass Spectrometers for UHV Surface science


Newsletter - April 2016



Mass Spectrometers for UHV Surface Science

Welcome to the latest issue of the Hiden Newsletter. This issue includes a selection of recent application stories from referenced published sources and focuses on Mass Spectrometers for UHV Surface Science. Click here to request your free print version of our newsletter & we will add you to our mailing list.

In this issue

» Reactions of ethanol on Ru(0001)

Electron attachment to a model peptide, N-methylformamide

Challenges and prospects for developing CdS/CdTe substrate solar cells on Mo foils

Chasing Stardust

» Product Highlight:
AutoSIMS – Automatic Surface Analysis System

» Related products:

Featured Articles


Reactions of ethanol on Ru(0001)

Surface reactions on metallic surfaces are important for applications as catalysis, fuel cells and capping layers for optics in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography tools. For all these applications, insight in the mechanisms of adsorption and reactions of molecules on surfaces is critical for fundamental understanding, as well as for further development of new materials and processes for applications.




Electron attachment to a model peptide, N-methylformamide

Dissociative electron attachment (DEA) is an electron-induced fragmentation process, occurring at low energies (<15 eV), that is of interest to the fields of radiation chemistry, physics, radiation therapy, astrochemistry, and materials and surface science. N-methylformamide (HC(O)NHCH3, denoted as NMF), a simple amide containing the peptide linkage, mimics a possible scenario that could happen locally in peptides.




Challenges and prospects for developing CdS/CdTe substrate solar cells on Mo foils

Thin-film CdTe solar cells boast lab-scale efficiencies above 20% when designed in the 'superstrate configuration' whereby the transparent front electrode is deposited first, on a glass superstrate. By inverting the design so that the front electrode is deposited last (i.e. the 'substrate' configuration), the cells can be fabricated on lightweight, flexible metal foils, thereby widening the range of possible applications.




Chasing Stardust

The material density is remarkably variable in the space between the stars (the interstellar medium or ISM) with the densest regions consistent with good laboratory ultrahigh vacuum (UHV). Surprisingly, these dense regions are chemically the richest in space with more than 180 different types of molecules detected to date. However, detection of molecules does not tell us from where the molecules come or how important they might be! Astrochemistry addresses the first question while astrophysics tells us that certain small molecules, such as CO and H2O, are crucial for the formation of long-lived stars like our Sun.


Featured Products


AutoSIMS — Automatic Surface Analysis System

The Hiden AutoSIMS is a self-contained, automated, SIMS tool for routine and repetitive surface analysis, ideal for the measurement of thin films, contamination and doping from the top monolayer to many microns in both conductive and insulating material.





Hiden’s 3F PIC Series Quadrupoles are high precision triple filter analysers with digital detectors for ultimate sensitivity and time resolution in UHV TPD applications.





The Hiden IDP is for the direct analysis of low energy ions from UHV surface science techniques. Applications include electron stimulated desorption, photon stimulated desorption and thermal desorption studies.





The Hiden EQS is a high transmission quadrupole secondary ion mass spectrometry, SIMS, detector including a 45 degree electrostatic sector for simultaneous ion energy analysis.


Upcoming Events

PESM 2016

9th - 10th May 2016
Grenoble, France

IOP Spring Conference on Plasma Physics

23rd - 26th May 2016
Isle of Skye, Scotland

229th ECS Meeting

29th May - 3rd June 2016
San Diego, CA USA

JVC-16 & EVC-14

5th - 10th June 2016
Portoroz, Slovenia

HEFIB 2016

8th - 10th June 2016
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg


14th - 16th June 2016
Lund, Sweden


19th - 23rd June 2016
Banff Alberta, Canada


20th - 23rd June 2016
Prague, Czech Republic


27th - 30th June 2016
Sheffield, UK

For further information on this or any other Hiden Analytical products contact
Hiden Analytical at: [email protected] or visit the main website at
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Period5 Apr 2016

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