Performance Workshop: Discovering Galoshins

Activity: Other


Galoshins is one of the oldest Scottish folk plays still performed today and dramatises the struggle between winter and summer. I developed this theatre workshop with the organisers of the 18th Europäische Kulturtage (European Culture Days) at the Museum Europäischer Kulturen (Museum of European Cultures) in Berlin and led it together with Dr Neill Martin (Edinburgh) and Dr Jos Collins (Heriot-Watt). The focus of the 18th European Culture Days was ‘Scotland - Reflections on a changing country’, and the month-long programme of activities was organised by the Museum in conjunction with the Scottish Government in Germany. I had been approached by the Musuem to develop theatre workshop engaging with aspects of tradition and change in the 21st century. The Gasloshins workshop attracted 12 participants who, in groups of 3-4, devised their own, German-language or hybrid language version of Galoshins based on stimuli provided by us.
Period1 Sept 2022
Event title18. Europäische Kulturtage
Event typeOther
LocationBerlin , Germany, BerlinShow on map


  • Intercultural communication
  • Tradition
  • performance
  • Workshop
  • Galoshins
  • Theatre